εϊз 3aishiee εϊз
She is one of my best friends, I am with her for about 4 years. She is a shy girl, even with her brothers, I like talking with her every seconds, but she don't (hahha).. She like to be in love, she hate her heart to be empty, she is also the youngest one like me. Most of the time I get angry from her, and I started ignoring her until she cried to me Lo0oL.
I really love her…
εϊз Remo0o εϊз
She is with me for about 10 years, I like talking with her discussing everything even about our housemates (hahhah), I used to call her at school be6re8oo, but now she becomes slim, she's adorable, curies… she is pretty ( Mno 3endah Ma3rass)…
εϊз Doctoraa εϊз
She is Fato0om, my best friend at school, we were very close to each other 4 about 4 years, and then she decided to join the University, and that's why our company becomes weaker, In school we were all the time doing things against the role of the school, and most of the time we just mimicked the teachers and putting them on troubles, it was really a wonderful time at school. I hope I can return to school with her and completing what we were use to do..
I am Lovin her
εϊз Mimo εϊз
She is the one that I met her in the College, I like her from the first time, and she was very shy, she graduate last year, and she left me alone.
She all time ask me et7beini?
εϊз Amo0olah εϊз
She is with me from the first day at the College, she is pretty, slim and quite short, I like to be with her all the time, she said I bring to her a bad luck when I am sitting beside her in the class.. just 4 jokes…
She used to get the same grade as me , and that's why I feel comfortable with her…
I become close to them in the last year, we are in the same class, ashofhom mn elsab7 lain ma narga3 elbait… Mlal, lo0ol
εϊз Amona2 & Dalo0oh & Fato0om & Marioooom εϊз
They are in one class, we see them just bel Canteen, and they all the time searching for new girls, they like el Msabar too much, except Mariooom el Boyah ( I am kidding)
Amno & Fatoom B3ad ynf3oon bss hathola Ma7jozat
εϊз Fatoom M & Tammy εϊз
εϊз 3athary εϊз
I met her at College, she is very shy, and she is adore chatting in the MSN
They are one shellah, they like joking all the time, even in Ramadan… Mashallah
I Hope I do not foreget any one